The Right Mindset Is Everything
Happy new year 2018! I’m writing this from Canberra, the capital of Australia, before we head down to Melbourne tomorrow. It’s summer time here, a break from freezing North Carolina, and I’m down here for two-day intensives with my amazing apprentice #2. Every year, I take on up to 3 apprentices into my coaching program, and we work and play together for 13 months. A few months in, I travel to my apprentice’s location – anywhere in the world – for two intense days of in-person study where we set out to create real transformation and breakthroughs for her.
Which brings me to the mindset of making things happen. 2017 was beyond incredible for me, my business, my yoga journey and my relationships at home and with clients.
How did I make crazy good things happen for myself in all areas of life yet again? I totally ditched goals and resolutions. Instead, I changed the way I look at everything, and that brought the real opportunities to the surface.
Some of the things I did in 2017:
- Served incredible clients and work only with people and businesses who inspire me and are doing amazing work in this world.
- Had amazing conversations with fun, interesting people.
- Created 40 unique videos for you on Mindset Mastery Channel.
- Worked Super Smart: Fewer hours, bigger impact, higher income, better work & play balance.
- Spend a few months away from home in Scotland, Las Vegas, Toronto, Seattle, Vancouver, LA, Prague, Vienna, New York, Hawaii, the Southeast, and now Australia.
- Took exquisite care of my mind, body, spirit such as developing new micro zen habits that have had macro benefits.
- Did Whole30 all year except when we traveled, and dropping the last stubborn 5 pounds.
- Read tons of books including fiction, inspiring business books and amazing spiritual books. (Follow me on Goodreads)
- Grew my dedication to daily Ashtanga yoga practice with 2-hour a day practices, 5-6 days a week, and visiting my teacher once a quarter in Vegas for 3-day intense studies. (Follow my yoga & travel journey on Instagram)
- Served as golf caddy for my husband a few times.
- Focused on my own personal growth with the help of my private coaches and masterminds.
- Got closer to my family and my husband by truly raising my own awareness and being more present.
- AND wrote and completed the first draft of my next book (stay tuned!) and submitted to a potential publisher.

How did I accomplish the above and more? Or the Mindset of Joy and Success:
- By doing a LOT less of what used to waste my time and energy.
- By setting my fees to match the value of my work, which means understanding that value and speaking to it.
- By serving and not selling.
- By doing things that scare me and staying outside the comfort zone.
- By allowing myself to feel vulnerable or down or up or like a success or a failure without attaching my identity to any of it.
- By closing the invisible energy leaks.
- By raising my awareness and preventing the self-sabotage patterns before it took hold.
- By saying no to loads of “opportunities” so I could say YES to the real ones. By feeling GOOD about saying no.
- By trusting myself and my choices even when they were not popular or “logical”.
- By following my heart and not the sound of “should do this” or “could do that” in my head. AND by asking for help instead of acting like a hero.
- By doing LESS and getting MORE done.
Which is why goals and resolutions fall short when you are dreaming of an incredible year for yourself. It is not enough to ‘set goals’ or ‘make resolutions’.
You need a mindset of empowerment and a perspective of possibilitlies for yourself that then feeds all your decisions and actions. You need to see your situation differently before you can rise above it.
This is all the incredible inner work, which then impacts your outer reality. This is where my clients and apprentices see the biggest shift and then turn that into new clients, new streams of income, and new joys in their business and their lives. And this is where I urge you to look for your greatest opportunities and sweetest possibilities in 2018.
If you want my help as you navigate your path to higher levels of joy and abundance, below are some ways to engage with me:
The Positive Affirmations for Life Program: Discover how easy it is to turn your life from a constant state of struggle and loneliness into a state of self-approval and self-acceptance. This is a 4-hour audio program with my voice guiding you into higher confidence, a better career, sound sleep or energizing morning and more.
Crack the Code to Get Promoted: Do you want to feel valued at your job, get rewarded for all your hard work and get promoted to the next level in 3-6 months? Crack the code to corporate success my proven methods, find balance in your life and health and relationships while raising your salary and loving your career.
Farnoosh’s 13-month Apprenticeship program: I created this unique Apprenticeship Program to be your business partner, your advisor, your coach and your accountability partner to help you create a thriving 6-figure sustainable and scaleable business you can love. Must speak with me to qualify for the program. Only 2 spots available in 2018.
Private Coaching with Farnoosh: If you want to accelerate your results and progress in your business, relationships, sales, income, revenue, and do it in a way that aligns to your core life values and brings you joy, then let’s have a conversation to see if we are a good fit for my private coaching program.