The 8 Pillars of Motivation by Farnoosh Brock.
5 Things that Rob Your Motivation:
1. Lack of Clarity around your Purpose
2. Lack of Confidence and the Presence of Self-doubt
3. Lack of Support and Community
4. Unhealthy Lifestyle
5. Jealousy and Envy
5 Motivators that Work but Do Not Last:
1. Fear of Failure
2. Fear of Financial Security
3. Pressure from Standards of Society
4. Pressures from Work Environment and Atmosphere
5. Cultural Hype and Shame
5 Sources of True Motivation that Enable Your Best Potential:
1. Do What You Love
2. Believe that It Makes a Difference
3. Stay Aligned to Your Core Values
4. Cultivate Smart Habits and Practice Often
5. Imagine that Your Dreams Are Possible