~ Brené Brown
“Showing up” is much harder to do than we are willing to admit, but in business your ability to show up is a skill you must develop if you want to experience levels of success previously out-of-reach.
The ability to show up is the trump card played by every happy, fulfilled, well-paid female entrepreneur.

They misunderstand what it means to show up in their business and live in fear of the possibility of failure.
- Showing up isn’t about working hard – you’re already doing that.
- Showing up isn’t about being good at what you do – you’ve started your business for that very reason.
- Showing up isn’t about following someone else’s cookie-cutter roadmap for success – those programs exist only to take your money.
Showing up is about having the courage to strategically and systematically pursue your vision with confidence.
You can’t and won’t figure out how to do that from a $97 eBook, a $2000 online course, or an oversized and impersonal mastermind.
Rather, you need to step out of your comfort zone and into an environment that will cultivate the courage you need and provide proven (but personalized) business advice to make your vision reality.
But where can you find that kind of trusted support and insight?
The only year-long private mastermind intensive for quality like-minded female entrepreneurs who are ready to master the art of showing up so they can experience more freedom, fulfillment, and financial success.

Most women entrepreneurs aspire to this level of freedom but seldom reach it because they don’t know how to leverage the opportunities sitting right in front of them.
Instead, we have a tendency to make excuses for why something didn’t work.
Or, we get so hung up on what we don’t have (maybe a particular credential or skill) that we fail to maximize the things we have in abundance.
And at our worst, we refuse to follow through on the things we say we want most for ourselves because somewhere deep inside we are terrified of doing it wrong, or putting ourselves first, or disappointing someone because we aren’t living according to their expectations.
I know this because I struggled with similar issues for years – but I didn’t have to.
I was just too proud to ask for help.
When you’re smart, capable, and relatively accomplished – as I’m sure you are – it is hard to see the obstacles that stand in the way of your success because you believe that you should be able to get past them on your own.
The moment I started investing in the right kind of support and taking a systematic approach to my business, my income more than tripled. I started to see just how much potential my business had and opportunities literally began pursuing me.
And that’s not even the best part.
The best part is that not only was I seeing the financial success I desired, but I felt like a success on the inside because I was pleased, satisfied, and excited by the work I was doing. I could see the positive impact I was having in the world around me, and for the first time in my life, I was living out my core values without compromise.
I had learned how to show up. I started playing my trump card, and I was winning big.
How can that be true if the other “blueprints” I’ve tried to use have failed?”
Despite the promise to teach you all you need to know, most ebooks, courses, coaching programs, and masterminds leave out one or more of the essential secrets to their success.
Some provide a system but lack support.
Some offer information but don’t provide the application.
Some offer support, but won’t offer specific guidance.
And some are just a rip-off.
That’s why I created A Year of Transformation Mastermind for Women.
I want you to have access to an environment that will not only help you master your ability to show up, but that will give you the individual attention you and your business deserve.
It is the only way you will eliminate out-of-reach goals from your life and your vocabulary.

As a part of this mastermind, you’ll get to look over my shoulder and see exactly what I’m doing to grow my own business. Plus, I’ll provide you with customized easy-to-follow guidance for applying proven growth strategies to yours.
You’ll never wonder if you should do something, what you should do, or how you should do it as it pertains to your business (or mindset). You’ll always have expert advice to move you forward.
You can kiss those agonizing moments of:
“Help! What should I charge?”
“OMG! How do I promote this?”
“Ughhh! Should I make that offer?”
And while that alone might sound like a dream come true, I’m offering much more during this Year of Transformation Mastermind.

- Admission to our 3-day total immersion luxury retreat workshop. The location may vary depending on the participants, but last year we hosted this retreat in a luxury suite at the Aria Hotel in Las Vegas, Nevada where several participants experienced major breakthroughs in areas they previously felt completely defeated. This alone is a game-changer. ($12,500 value)
- 14 Group Coaching Calls which includes one welcome call (more on that in a minute) and one end-of-year celebration call. I lead each call in a roundtable style so that you can get the benefit of hearing from other participants experience and my personalized advice to them. During each call, you will have 20-25 minutes to explain your own frustrations and victories in detail, so that I can provide you with feedback while the other members can contribute to the discussion in a mastermind group style. Each call averages 2-3 hours. You will leave every call with action items and make a commitment to deliver on those items at a promised time. And because encouragement and accountability are keys to you learning how to show up, we use a webcam for our calls to help foster closeness in the group. ($10,000 value)
- A Welcome Call to get you acquainted with your next steps and your fellow “transformistas” so that you can start building the support system necessary in the weeks and months ahead. This mastermind is limited to 8 women, and will never consist of huge groups of people, massive “information-dumps,” or follow-ups from “coaching assistants.” This is the only private women’s mastermind on the market offering dedicated individual attention for an entire year. ($1200 value)
- One 30 minute make-up coaching call with me to stand in the gap for one of those days when life gets in the way and you miss a group coaching call. ($300 value)
- Four 90-minute private coaching sessions with me that you can use anytime throughout the year – ideally once a quarter. This allows you to save sensitive or especially personal issues for one-on-one with me and gives us an opportunity to go much deeper into your work so that you get the results you desire. ($2500 value)
- Unlimited access to me (not a “coaching assistant”) through a private discussion forum organized exclusively for participants and designed to offer daily support and weekly accountability. ($5000 value)
- A Get Started Now Packet, delivered a few weeks before we start, designed to prepare you for your year of transformation by helping you lay a foundation for your deep inner work, establish your core values and set your Big Hairy Audacious Goals so that you and I can get moving forward immediately. ($500 value)
- High-quality recordings of all coaching sessions so that you can review everything we cover and never have to worry about taking notes only to miss out on invaluable insight. ($150 value)
- Access to a shared group Dropbox folder so that we can easily share information with one another or the group. ($100 value)
You’ll also receive these MUST-HAVE Bonuses:
- 10 video tutorials outlining everything from online product creation to business growth and marketing and effective sales strategies so that you never have to struggle with implementing a system or strategy I’ve taught you. ($1250 value)
- Access to my personal, professional network because while the Internet is powerful, RELATIONSHIPS are still paramount to turning your vision into a reality. My network of professionals (which includes book publishers, expert copywriters, publicists, and web designers just to name a few) becomes your professional network.) ($2000 value)
- Access to all my personally tested and approved business resources that will save you time and money long-term. ($1500 value)
- The Health & Love Package which includes: Personalized signed copies of The Healthy Juicer’s Bible & The Healthy Smoothie Bible, immediate access to my 10 Minute Invigorator Fitness Program, and immediate access to The Positive Affirmations for Life program. Self-care is a critical component of our process in A Year of Transformation. If you are not your best self you cannot do your best work, and more importantly, you will NOT have the confidence required to show up and play that trump card I’m going to help you cultivate. If you are going to make progress like you’ve never made before, you must think and act in ways you’ve never acted before, and these tools will help you make those essential changes. ($250 value)
- Unlimited access to all Prolific Living Signature Programs. ($997 value).
- Select business books and other goodies I’ll send you over the course of the year via snail mail, because who doesn’t love getting a package in the mail?!? Plus, I’m determined to keep you motivated and engaged. ($200 value)
- Personal access to me by text message and email, as needed – because sometimes you just can’t wait for that push you need to show up and I want to make sure you get it. (Priceless!!!!)
The program begins March 1, 2016, and will end March 1, 2017.
Once you’ve been accepted to the program, you’ll receive a group call schedule as well as the Welcome Packet and you can start using all of our digital connection points immediately.
As you can see, the value of this private mastermind is almost $40,000, but your investment will be mind-bogglingly less. Most women can’t believe how affordable I’ve made this program.
We will talk more about that in a moment, but before we do, I need you to ask yourself:

This program is in-depth, highly personal, and requires high levels of trust, which is why I only work with women who subscribe to the following 8 core values.
- Openness – there is remarkable power in vulnerability. When you are willing to open up about your challenges and achievements with other women who are walking a similar journey you’ll find yourself energized and encouraged by their feedback and support. If you’re trying to walk out your entrepreneurial path alone, you never have the opportunity to be truly open with others about your struggles or success (because no one wants to tell a stranger about how badly they’re goofing up). Most of that time this leaves you feeling unsupported which is a key reason for your inability to show up. If you can be open to the other women in this group, you will open up opportunities that at one time eluded you.
- Commitment – a successful business requires a high level of desire and commitment. To get the results you crave so badly, you have to confidently make decisions and follow through on them so that you’re taking action on a daily basis and getting closer – not further – from your ultimate goals and dreams. If you are not willing to commit to your own goals, there isn’t a mastermind or mentor in the world who can help you.
- Growth – building a profitable business is a PROCESS. This can be hard to accept as an overachiever, but unless you are ready to dig your heels into the process of building a business while consistently working on your personal and professional development, you will always feel stuck at your current level of success. If you desire growth, you are the kind of woman I want to help.
- Accountability – staying accountable to yourself is not enough. When you allow yourself to be held accountable (and appreciate when it happens), your confidence levels will soar and showing up will be easier to do than ever before. On the flipside, if you are reluctant to follow through on your promises and let others know what you’ve done (or haven’t) you always feel like you’re falling short, which will always leave you discouraged – and HIDING. You can’t show up and hide at the same time.
- Focus – energy comes from focus. When you know how to focus you can get more done in less time and use less energy to complete your task. Unfortunately, we live in a world that is constantly trying to steal our focus. And, sometimes we are to blame for losing focus because we allow our creative genius to put our mind in overdrive. I will show you how to eliminate overwhelm and distractions by helping you see exactly what you should pursue, in what order, and how. You simply have to do the work. Deal?
- Positive Energy – you cannot generate positive results with negative energy. Complaining, excuses, bitterness, cynicism, and playing the victim have no room in a woman who is going to use her gifts, her abilities, and her life to make a difference in the world (whether big or small). There is nothing wrong with acknowledging how you feel, but you cannot be controlled by negative feelings and at the same time confidently show up in your business. If this is an area of personal development you’re unwilling to work on, this mastermind isn’t your cup of tea, hon.
- Service – when you lead your business with a heart to serve you can decide to do what is best for both you AND your client. If you’re in business for the money alone, this program isn’t a fit for you. This program will help you make more money than you’ve ever made before, but if that’s your sole motivation, you’ll find it difficult to stay aligned with the level of integrity required of the women in this group.
- Ownership – if you don’t believe in your vision, you cannot expect others to believe in it either. Resistance will always push back when you decide to show up and play your trump card. It’s just the way it works. But when you decide to play your trump card, you can’t let anyone or anything take your vision away from you. You cannot give in or give up! So ownership means you are fully convinced on whatever it is that your heart desires and you refuse to let that conviction be shaken by outside forces.
So, if there is even a small part of you that wants to apply for A Year of Transformation – DO IT!
Because here’s the ugly truth: the cost of opting out could result in your wasted time, feelings of regret, staying stuck, and eventually giving up.
I just don’t believe that is who you want to be.
To feel trapped by the very thing you created to bring you more freedom.
To make less money than you did working for someone else.
To live embarrassed of the progress you haven’t made.
To doubt if you really have what it takes to be a business owner at all.
None of that was how you pictured life as an entrepreneur, but sometimes you find yourself in some of those places.
And when you do, the question isn’t, “What are you doing wrong?”
The question is, “Why are you trying to do it alone?”
Now, you don’t have to.
“Before completing my Year of Transformation with Farnoosh, I approached my business with a “let the cards fall where they may” attitude. I figured things would fall into place if I just worked hard. But working hard didn’t really help me reach my goals. My prices were too low (and I was too afraid to ask for more), I was lost on how to create a digital product, and I couldn’t develop a system for running my business to save my life! I just knew I couldn’t keep operating like that. Now that I’ve mastered the art of showing up, I’ve literally quadrupled my pricing (and people still buy). I’ve hired an assistant so that I’m not burning out all of the time, and I’ve got a renewed focus on caring for myself which I didn’t realize I neglected so badly. This mastermind helped me bring more clarity and focus to my work than ever before. Farnoosh has been a fantastic thought partner, motivator, and guide. I chose her as a coach because she is not only experienced but truly cares about the success of everyone in our group.”

“My investment in this mastermind paid for itself. Because of my year of transformation, I created my first profitable online course and have ideas for 3 more in the wings. I left my career as a astronautical engineer and often doubted my ability to actually make it as an entrepreneur. Being a part of this mastermind has helped me see that this is doable. I’ve also learned how to implement processes so that I can have more freedom and slow down (which is okay to do, by the way, lol). I just had my 3rd child and I can’t imagine trying to build my fledgling business all alone after having been supercharged by this incredible group. Getting coached by Farnoosh is worth the price of admission. But the community, the relationships we are building… these are priceless.”

“If you are ready to step up in your business and life than this is for YOU! Both Farnoosh and Andy are “The Power Couple” that serve from the heart and genuinely care about your success. Not to mention an amazing team of mastermind entrepreneurs to share and collaborate with who are also on a path to serve and make a difference in this world through their business. If you’re tired of struggling, you’re not in this journey alone. Definitely invest in yourself and in your business and receive the support you need to transform. Miracles do happen!”

“I knew I wanted to establish a side hustle and this would be a focused way to get there. I have been amazed at the time and energy commitment that Farnoosh puts into the group collectively, but more importantly, with each of us. Responses are almost immediate to emails, posts, etc. I secretly wonder if she eats, sleeps or does anything but dedicate her time to us but I have seen evidence of a super balanced life. Farnoosh provides a safe space to be vulnerable when learning the steps to conquer our big scary goals. She is a natural facilitator and pushes when necessary but provides support throughout the process.”

“There are many great things that I can share about how A Year of Transformation has contributed to my pointed mission and focused objectives. But, I am utterly amazed by the power of joining forces with like-minded women. It was wonderful to be able to closely work together and support one another. Farnoosh, being someone who has been there and done it and is still doing it, helps us learn from her success. She is honest, transparent and also nurturing. There were a few times when I’ve veered off course, and Farnoosh has boldly and gently brought me back to my mission and objectives. Embarking on a transformational adventure is exhilarating and have its rough spots. That is why having a group you can turn to for support is crucial to your growth and success. More than anything else, having a coach who is there to push you from the back and pull you from the front when you are stuck or veered off, like I did, is vital.”