What if you could wake up energized instead of dragging out of bed day after day?
What if you could reclaim that lost youthful feeling not with surgery or drugs or expensive creams, but with natural tapping into your body’s energy channels?
I used to hear this little berating voice in my head that said “You are getting old and fat and that’s why you are tired all the time”, just as I entered my 30s!! And I thought to myself, “Just great! My 20s are over, and this must be the curse of aging they talk about!”
But then how do I explain the amazing 50 and 60 year men and women running marathons and looking fabulous?
So I began to wonder: Why am I feeling SO tired and chunky at just 30 years old? It took me a few years to figure out how to boost my energy and fight my fatigue (and I am about tell you what I did exactly and what changes I made to transform my body).
Now, friends and strangers alike ask me:
Where do you get all this energy at your age? How do you stay so invigorated and excited all day long? What do you do to keep your energy going so strong?
I used to fight fatigue in the long stretching afternoons or early mornings FOREVER. I would dread waking up as late as 7am in the mornings and still drag in the afternoons. Even if I got through the day, I could not fight fatigue for the evening.
— Changing my eating patterns and trying new diets frequently.
— Trying different exercise machines and classes at the gym.
— Taking vitamins and supplements and other “natural” nutrients.
— Switching around my bed time and wake up times.
— Cutting out caffeine or adding it or a weird combination of both.
I still felt lethargic by early afternoon and I used to constantly wish I had more energy!
- Just imagine, what would it feel like to have more energy through the day?
- How would it feel NOT to have to fight that annoying fatigue when you have so much to do?
Then I finally found something that worked incredible results and it’s these simple effective invigoration routines that no one in the fitness world talks about because they want you to buy their expensive $1000+ products and spend 2 hours a day exercising with fancy equipment. Who has time and money for that? In this all-video based brand new product, I show you my best quick and fun “secrets” how to boost your energy step-by-step and in just 10 minutes.

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I have to say, you cannot begin to imagine the possibilities of what you can accomplish with more energy. These 10 Minute Invigorator routines that I show you kill lethargy and fatigue in its tracks but wait, that’s just the beginning. This type of completely natural energy that you awaken in your body can – and will – change the way you work and live and play.
Here are the Top 8 Benefits that I live and breathe every day and the ones that you will start to notice in your life when you do this simple 10-minute routines:
1. Evening Energy Boost Power: You will get through the day with more energy than you started and then be ready to tackle your personal projects and pursuits and passions in the evenings.
2. Clarity to Solve Problems: Your mind will buzz with new ideas and you will be able to solve your problems and overcome roadblocks because of the new sense of clarity.
3. Single-Minded Focus for Productivity: You will be able to focus more intently on a single task at a time, which ultimately makes you hugely more productive.
4. Higher Efficiency and Time Saving: When you are focused and have clarity of mind, you naturally become more efficient. You don’t dilly dally all day. You are less interested in distractions that don’t matter. You accomplish a lot more in less time with a happier state of mind and body.
5. Pleasant Around Your Family: You will be less stressed, less frustrated, less impatient, and less tense around your family and friends with a more energized and relaxed body.
6. Natural Interest in Healthy Eating: Dieting is plain hard because you tell your body what to do but when your body is energized and invigorated, it starts to crave healthy food and it pulls you into healthier choices and directions.
7. Attractive to People and Prospects: Energy is contagious. People with energy attract others, be it for personal or business relationships. When you exude positive energy, everyone naturally gravitates towards you and the results are fantastic.
8. Deep Sense of Happiness: Your body awakens its own natural energy with these unique routines and you feel in balance and harmony with this type of natural invigoration.

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You can do them without any experience in exercise or yoga.
You can do them without any previous knowledge of a fitness routine. You can do them without any special equipment whatsoever.
You can do them no matter what your age or weight or sex.
You can do them anywhere, anytime, on the road while traveling, from a hotel room, in a tiny living room or in a back patio, a beach or a park.
Just be willing to come along, to play and explore, to listen to your body and follow me with the instructions.

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A welcome and instructional video outlining the benefits of the 10 Minute Daily Invigorator, the best way to use the videos, and everything you will need to know before you get started. I tell you how to use the videos, the benefits, the approach I use, and how to follow me.
7 completely unique 10-Minute Invigorator routines, where I show and demo step-by-step every single move, give you options to modify. Each video has unique new routine. Some videos open your hips; others open your shoulders and yet others remove tension from your lower back. The combination of the fast and slow movements together brings a fusion of energy to your body each time in just 10 minutes! No two routines are the same!
BONUS 1: An informational and detailed video about common questions, a demo of all the breathing techniques, benefits of doing them, additional modification options, and a super boost of encouragement! I take you more in depth here and tell you what to do if you are stuck, and how to expect progress and how to listen carefully to your body and the difference between pain and sensation and what to look for as you experience the routines on your own.
BONUS 2: Demo of 4 Breathing Techniques, which I am super excited to include here. This is for days when you don’t even have 10 minutes but maybe 2 or 3. These are quick breathing techniques that invigorate you with energy and vitality in a matter of seconds. I show you exactly how to do them, and give you tips on when to do them in the day. I include a very brave and super detoxing one as the final and 4th technique to complete your super bonus one!
Access to all 10 high-def and professionally made videos on a private site or for download.You can watch them all via live streaming or download to your computer or other devices to out right own them.

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$14-$18 per class: A decade of classes in all types of yoga, breathing techniques, & meditation.
$150-$300 per workshop: Many workshops, conferences and private lessons with yoga teachers.
$75-$100 per hour: Private lessons and training with a personal trainer.
$10-$25 per training sessions: Classes and on-line video training on breathing techniques.
$30-$50 monthly memberships: Years of participation in intense cardiovascular programs.
$60-$200 per workshop: Classes and workshops on movement in dance through years of Argentine tango.
If you had to pay for all of this – some of you do pay for portions of this – it would be in hundreds of dollars per month range, except in Canada and New York where yoga classes are even more expensive.
It has taken me years of serious efforts and a huge chunk of investment – private yoga teachers and personal trainers are not cheap but we all know it is the best way to learn fast and with lots of personal attention.
But you do not have to do any of that to get these results. This is the first time that I openly share the sum of my experience and information in a video format. I give you all the personal attention and instruction that you need in each of these videos. This is the real value you are getting and it is an investment in you, your body, your mind.

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30 Day Money-Back Guarantee
We feel confident you’re going to love the Positive Affirmations for Life audio program so much that we’ve taken all risk out of the equation for you. You stand to gain so much that I want you to try it for 30 days, and if you have a change of heart, I’ll refund all your money. No questions asked. I stand behind my product 100%.
Always consult your physician before beginning this or any exercise program. Our videos and other content, including The 10 Minute Daily Invigorator, are for informational purposes only and your use thereof is solely at your own risk. We offer no health warranties or guarantees of any kind.
The First Few Reactions: Be Inspired by the Transformations of Others with Just 10 Minutes
If I weren’t convinced that these work well, the amazing heart-felt show of testimonials below did the trick.
I waited until a draggy, tired afternoon to try this. Very nice! Length of each exercise is perfect: 10 minutes. Repetition of each after Farnoosh demonstrates, sound quality overall, and the sound of her breathing are all perfect. I had never worked with an exercise video before and was wondering ... now I see how. Yes, it does leave me feeling noticeably more energetic .... magic!
Love all the encouragement Farnoosh gives: 'You are stronger than you think!' Makes me go YEAH!!! Knee exercise - omg burnnnnn! Loved it cause it made my thighs burn and made me a little breathless towards the end. I feel like I just had a mini workout! I can feel the energy running through my body and yet it was so gentle and lovely. One part exercise, one part grounding, one part humor and all parts alive and breathing. Thank you! Can't wait t make this a daily part of my routine!
I was cranky when I started the video and after, I was stretched, energized AND less irritated. My hips opened, my heart rate went up, and I am more focused on completing my To Do List. I like that Farnoosh offers options for beginner and advanced and it's a beautifully serene studio to watch and follow along. Thank you!
I watched the introduction video and the video for Day 3 and I have to say that I REALLY enjoyed it. It was really easy for me to follow the steps for the 3rd day. I felt energized. What I love about the video is that it's ONLY 10 minutes! Anyone can squeeze 10 minutes of wellness and movement into their time, even a hard-working telecommuter like me. I love it!
I just watched the intro video and Day 1 routine and it was great. I am overweight and poorly out of shape and found the 10 minutes to be fun and JUST enough for me at this time. Yes I feel invigorated with all the oxygen I brought in my body and the stretches felt so good. Wakes my body up! I think I'm standing a little taller too! I also feel good that I took 10 minutes for ME ... thank you!
I loved the 10 minute invigoration routines! The routines are just my style, FRESH AND FUN! Working from home can get monotonous. After the videos, I felt more productive and present in the moment. Thank you, Farnoosh! You're a natural at teaching!!!
The videos make me feel more confident; I can do more than I thought I could. The moves are not difficult and I can see myself getting more range every time I do them. I was also glad you addressed the issue of bad knees and joint impact. I especially enjoyed the 'don't stomp' comment. This is an enjoyable way to get my body moving in the morning. If you can't find 10 minutes to wake up your muscles, you need to rethink your priorities.
Farnoosh's invigorating video series are 10 minutes of fun power packed energy. I did them at the end of a long day and was de-stressed, energized and invigorated. The instructions are clear and simple, the sequences are very well thought of and best of all - they work! Viewers will lose the sense of fatigue that is so common these days. Farnoosh's ebullience, clarity and poise are lovely.
I usually get tired and sleepy around 10:30pm but lately, we've had some late night projects. In attempts to get me off of caffeine, my husband had me put these videos to test to see if one 10 minute session would keep me awake and energized without a hot caffeinated drink. It worked! They start off with energizing breathing; it changes your energy level right away. We put these to test by doing a session in the morning and on another day in the evening and we even did them on vacation! You can do them anywhere ... and go from foggy to energized. We love that they're only 10 minutes.
Farnoosh, I started your 10 Minute Invigorator Program and I ABSOLUTELY LOVE IT. My daughter tried it too and was really impressed. I went back to smoking a few months ago and am now ready to quit. So guess what? Your brilliant programme is going to give me the impetus I need and using my lungs and muscles fully by doing these exercises reminded me how much I love yoga and how I am equally addicted to the adrenaline and endorphins from exercise. I did the workout again this morning and what i really love about it, is that because it's only 10 minutes, I don't use my usual procrastinating excuses. So I am choosing a date to QUITE SMOKING, thanks to your inspiration!!
This is a great program, Farnoosh. I bought this program about 3 weeks ago, and have not been able to do the exercises until this morning. I did it yay :). It was mainly due to the time that I set to do the exercises, which was 5am. I didn't have the motivation to pick myself up from bed that early in the morning and do the exercises. Also, I kept hearing my mind telling me all the reasons why I should not do it. That's why when I watched your video on how to build your 10 min after I did my very first 10 min today, I was so grateful. I thought to myself this video was what I needed to watch from day 1. I'm very glad I encountered 10 Minute Invigorator Program. It gives me all the important and necessary tips to keep me going and to keep me motivated. Most importantly, what impressed me the most was not just the content of the video, but your enthusiasm, your willingness, your eagerness to want to help people, to make sure they will do it and do it successfully. All that energy, they all show in the video. I can see them and I can feel them. They are just wonderful. Thank you for everything you did, Farnoosh.
I have really enjoyed this class! The instructor is very personable, positive, and encouraging, and all the routines she presents here are fun, gentle, energizing, and can easily be adapted to one's own fitness level. As someone who often finds it hard to set aside even 30 minutes to exercise per day, these short-but-effective 10-minute routines are perfect for me, and I've found that I can usually easily fit them into my schedule. The instructor also provides a great selection of 2 -3 minute energizing breath exercises for those really busy days when you don't even have 10 minutes. I am delighted that I found this gem of a course, and I plan to continue doing these routines daily. I highly recommend this course to anyone who is looking for a quick, gentle-yet-effective, energizing daily exercise routine that is short enough to fit manageably into a busy schedule. Thanks so much, Farnoosh!
This is just perfect for someone like me who is busy and wants to have a series of things I can fit in when I have the time. The exercises are simple enough for beginners, yet stretching enough for more experienced athletes. And Farnoosh is such an inspiration to listen to and watch. I can't say enough good things about this course. Love it! (and especially since I can also download onto my iPhone with the app!)
I have really enjoyed the course and now, that I have worked through each video and know how the exercises work, I am looking forward to continue doing one of them every morning. I am always amazed how quickly the 10 minutes pass ... time flies when you're enjoying yourself 🙂
I have been looking for something that's easy to incorporate into my day. This program really fits my 'wish list'. It is not yoga or pilates, but it's something new and fresh. There are different classes for every day of the week, and it really is just over 10 minutes a day. This class lives up to its claims of being energizing, but I also find it relaxing in terms of releasing tense muscles. Ms. Brock is not a 'strict' instructor - you can modify as needed, breathe in a way that's most comfortable for you (she gives examples), and you don't need any special equipment except a mat. Great class!
I really like doing this course because Farnoosh is fun and entertaining, you don't need any preparation/ equipment. Farnoosh makes sure you breath all the time: I noticed I sometimes stop doing it! The exercises make my body feel good and give me the energy boost I need to start or continue the day. You should try this course!

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